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Biocom Technology Biodegradable and Compostable Products

This green movement is to make Malaysia greener again so our children can inherit a healthier and greener environment to raise their family in.


Remember, it starts here and now!

Nature Is A Gift To Mankind

Today, in the struggle in the modernized communities, we have lost our consciousness about our environment and the impact on the pollutions on mother earth. Landfills are filled with polystyrene and plastic toxin-based household items which will take a very long time to degrade. The chemical compositions in the waste will seep into the soil and water of our surroundings.


Through nature’s cycle we will then ingest these pollutants. Polystyrene and plastic is made of Naphta and Pentane, basically petroleum. Would we want to put our food on a petroleum container and serve our loved ones?

Through years of extensive of Research and Development, we have been successful in the creation of several Bio-Technology discoveries employing enzymatic processes on cellulose and hemi-cellulose agro fibres.


With the use of Sugarcane and Palm Oil waste materials, paddy husks, Tapioca stems and other normally discarded agricultural products, we have achieved considerable accomplishment with the creation of various packaging products which are 100% Bio-degradable and Compostable that have earned International approvals and certifications.

We are an Eco Green Company

We distribute and retail 100% BIODEGRADABLE & COMPOSTABLE, organic and non-toxic tableware that is 100% eco-friendly to our environment.


With SIRIM Eco-Label Certification, along with other International brands such as US FDA- Food and Drugs Administration Approved, ISO 9001-2008 EQAIMS, BPI - Biodegradable Products Institute Certification Number #10528539, ASTM – American Society for Testing and Materials International, SGS, SEC – Singapore Environment Council. Green Label, MyHijau Certification MyHP00173/16, USM – Collaboration with Universiti Sains Malaysia.

Our products are also won First Place in the Green Era Awards 2016 International, which makes us No. 1 to win the prestigious award at The World Green Conference participated by 52 countries.


This makes us the First Biodegradable and Compostable Manufacturer in Malaysia.